“I enjoyed looking through the microscopes and saw new things.” Finley
“I enjoyed learning different things.” Amelie
“Today in Maths we timed a shape by a scale factor, I really enjoyed this.” Charlie
“A really interesting sessions exploring microscopes, coding and maths. It was great to see the children engaging in the lessons and expanding their knowledge on new topics/ areas, but also pulling on experiences they already have. Some of their answers were much more in depth than expected which was great to hear and see.” Mrs Bond.
Westbourne Primary School visited Bourne Community College for Term 2, cycle 2 on the Enthuse Project. The theme was based on rockets, the children started their workshop in Science with Ms Perry, where they had to identify what a rocket is, understand how the rocket can move, by using the keyword “thrust” and identify the effectiveness of the vessel, they used balloons to see how the structure of a vessel is important and then went outside to add an engine to a structured vessel using vinegar and sodium bicarbonate to understand the propulsion required for the vessel to go in a specific direction. The students then went onto Math with Ms Phillip, where they had to test their reaction times using a ruler and work out the mean, to see how quick their own reaction time is. This led onto Computer Science with Mr Ellis, here the children used 2D design to create their own design of model with their names on and this was cut out using the laser printer.
The children had a fun, rewarding and innovative afternoon at Bourne Community College and could recall their learning at the end of the workshop.